According to

“The Louisiana Recovery School District still can't keep track of hundreds of thousands of dollars of public property, the legislative auditor's office said. More than $808,000 in equipment went missing in the fiscal year that ended June 30, for a total of about $7 million in missing items over four years.

For the ninth consecutive year, RSD did not maintain and accurately report equipment as required by state equipment regulations and did not maintain accurate information," the audit report says, perhaps betraying a hint of exasperation. That "increases the risk that assets may be misreported, lost or stolen."

Recovery workers themselves took inventory at 80 percent of the system's schools and "found a lot of things ... that were incorrectly reported as missing by schools," facilities director Tiffany Delcour said. For instance; "in a file cabinet, there would be eight computers stacked up. But these are old computers, broken, not working."